Register License Online

This section describes how to register the licenses online.

Table of Content:

Free Trial License

To evaluate a fully functional version of Cytosketch follow the steps below.

  1. Make sure that you are connected to the Internet.
  2. Start Cytosketch and the License dialog appears.
  3. Select the Evaluate for Free radio button and click OK.
Trial License

If you experience problems with registering the license, please complete the Request Information and Support and a Cytocode representative will get in touch with you.

Purchased License

To register a purchased license follow the steps below.

  1. Make sure that you are connected to the Internet.
  2. Start Cytosketch.
  3. In the menu bar, click Help and select Register and the License dialog appears.
  4. Select the Enter License Data radio button.
  5. Enter a user name and the activation key and click OK.
Lab License

User Name:

It is not mandatory to enter a user name, however we recommend entering a user name if you have multiple licenses. The user name will make it easier to keep track on who is using which license.

Activation Key:

Copy the activation key that you received by email and paste it in this field.

If you experience problems with registering the license, please complete the Request Information and Support and a Cytocode representative will get in touch with you.